Let us align with your Self-Care Routine

The Mission of Self-Care

For our self, loved ones, and community. In order to show up for our loved ones and for our communities, we must show up for ourselves first. When our cup is overflowing, that’s when we can pour positivity into others. When our cup is only half-full or almost empty, we have nothing to share, nothing to give to those who need us. Because of this, self-care is one of the most selfless things you can do.

Why wellness is important to us

Practicing wellness is the first step towards healing and replenishing the mind, body, and soul. Our bodies endure so much throughout our lifetime. Usually, we are too busy to notice until we are forced to. However, one of the many beautiful things about our bodies is its ability to regenerate, to grow, and to evolve over time. When you practice wellness, you are saying to yourself and to others that you are valuable, and you deserve to be healthy and happy.

What practicing self-care has done for us

When you work on one part of your life, it affects every part of your life. Therefore, when you practice self-care, it can lead to benefits in life you weren’t expecting. If you struggle with making time for self-care, all you need to do is start small. For example, taking a warm bath using your favorite bath salts or waking up 30 minutes early to do yoga, meditate, journal, and light a candle. As you enjoy some alone time and relax, this can bring you the peace of mind you didn’t know you needed!

How we are doing it

Communication is a big part of self-care. We want to be part of the conversation you have with the most important person in your life. YOU. To speak excellence and self-worth into yourself and those around you.

So, when someone asks, “How are you today?” That guilt or perception of it doesn’t block you from speaking your truth and communicating what is real. Because it is okay to be frustrated. It is okay that you caught yourself neglecting you. It happens because that is life! Let it happen. Let it go, because you always have the opportunity to reconnect with whatever makes your soul feel good. We are not going to tell you how to live your life – but we do hope to ignite conversations that move you in a direction of wellness.

Signing off wishing you love, light, and honest conversations!
